WE need your support to continue sharing Africa’s wildlife with the world.

Final update: April 11th, 2024 18:00 CAT

Number of donors: 1231

Fundraising Thermometer - CouponBirds Seedling Project

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our special fund raise; you managed to far exceed our expectations! We will put the received donations to good use continue to bring the WildEarth experience to your screens.

Our mission is to connect people with nature, which then encourages them to conserve it. We believe that conservation is not about reciting facts on global warming or poaching, but rather about helping people to fall in love with the wild.

Our safaris are not merely entertainment; for many in our community they are a welcome reprieve from illness, or loneliness, and an important part of their daily lives. For many, we offer the only chance they’ll have to experience what it is like to be on a safari vehicle in Africa,  while also feeling part of a global community.

Providing these experiences throughout the year is an expensive exercise. If you can, please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation. Whether this be as a one-off or – better yet – as a recurring monthly amount for the coming six months. Any amount is welcome and every bit will help keep our safaris available to the millions who jump onto our vehicles each month and to whom WildEarth means so much.

Thank you!

WE believe that everyone, from all backgrounds and walks of life, deserves to be immersed in nature, inspired and awed by the wild places around us.

WE make a small amount of money from advertising and to keep our channel free we rely on your donations and the support of our Explorers and YouTube subscribers. If you love what we do and are able to, please join one of these programs or make a donation.

The money goes directly to keeping our LIVE safaris available to everyone, including children, as part of our WE schools outreach programme, SafariLIVE Kids.

Only by forging a deep connection to nature can true care, commitment and love for our animals and wild places be nurtured. This nurturing leads to the protection of our animals and our wild earth, allowing humans, animals and nature to thrive. Together.

Read more about Explorers
Read more about YouTube channel membership
Read more about Explorers
Read more about YouTube channel membership

Donations can be made using PayPal, Credit Card, or bank transfer and as one-off or recurring amounts

If you are using PayPal, click one of the buttons below

One-off – PayPal
Recurring – PayPal

If you are using a credit, click one of the buttons below

One-off – credit card
Recurring – credit card

For info on using a bank transfer, click one of the buttons below

One-off – bank transfer
Recurring – bank transfer