On yesterdays drive while we were off road a very large crack developed in the starter motor. As a result the gears and bushes in the motor were severely damaged. Jan is attempting to repair the starter by temporarily welding it back together again, but WE don’t think this will work.

Because it is Sunday and we are far from a big city where WE can easily replace the motor there is a very real chance that WE are going to miss a few drives. Tomorrow morning WE will go into Hoedspruit and see if there is a motor in town that we can buy. WE are so sorry that you may miss a few drives and promise to work as hard as possible to get the vehicle back out there.

Pieter and Hayley are now on leave for two weeks, they have worked very hard for the past 6 weeks and WE all hope they have a good restful break.

WE have nothing new to report about the CDN, but both Telkom Media and WildEarth are working to put this in place. Unfortunatley there is a great deal of paperwork and issues to resolve in order to bring our dream to reality, WE do assure you that it will be worth the wait.

WE understand your frustrations and ask that you remain patient.