Nobody has seen Karula’s cubs since Tyson stole her duiker kill. This morning Nick found the tracks of a single leopard cub not far from our camp. Although WE have no actual information everyone in camp is very positive that they will be seen soon. There is a great deal of leopard activity at Djuma at the moment and it is definitely a dangerous time for Karula and her little family.

Nick and Helen are leaving WildEarth. Nick is immigrating to Canada with Helen for whom it will be going home. They have worked for many many years in the bush and the time has come to go and start a new life in the big city. They will miss the bush and WE will all miss them terribly. WE are having a big farewell party for them on Friday the 27th July at Djuma and their final drive will be on the Saturday afternoon of the 28th July. Maybe when they come back to visit, WE will be able to convince them to do a nostalgic drive …

They have been an incredible team and have been with us from before the beginning. They were there when WE first began trenching and building masts and helped WildEarth create its personality … they will always be in our nature. WE will never forget their dedication, commitment and talent. They will always have the honour of the first LIVE Big 5 drive.

WE will enjoy their last week in the bush together.