WEll summer seems to be well on its way here on the Southern tip of Africa and WE have decided that it is high time to change the safari times. The sun is rising earlier and setting later so why waste the daylights hours. From Tuesday 1st september 2009 WE will be starting the Am safari at 6h00 CAT (4h00 GMT, 24hoo EST, 21hoo PST) and the PM safari at 15h30 CAT (13h30 GMT, 09.30 EST, 06.30 PST).

This is Jessica and Pats final week with WildEarth and so the final three shows of Slapp. They will feature on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 19h00 CAT. Once again WE will be slapping around some controversial subjects one of which will be the topical discussion on the killing of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Seeing as it is their final week WE have decided to pit the boys against the girls in a fight to the death Ranger Race. Once again it will be the same rules as last time – the person who sees the most mammals wins. On Friday afternoon WE will have Jessica at the wheel with Lieschen on camera and they will go out in search of as many mammals as they can find. On Saturday afternoon Pieter Pretorius will be at the helm with Pat (Jess’s husband) on camera and they will be trying to beat the girls score. Many of you may think that Pieter is at an advanatage because he is a guide but Jess has spent a huge amount of time in the bush filming wildlife and so will be a stong contender. It should be a great competition. I’m rooting for the girls! Jess and Pat will both go on a drive seperately this week to get a feel for the land. Jess will present on Wednesday afternoon (just a normal PM safari) and Pat will do camerawork on Thursday morning.
WE will be doing two night drives this week. One will be on Wednesday and one on Friday both at 19h30 CAT (17.30 GMT, 13.30 EST, 10h30 PST).
Finally as I am sure that you have noticed Peter Braat and Mark Weiner have gone on their well deserved break and Siphiwe is welcomed back with open arms – its always hard when she goes on leave.
Written by Emily Wallington