As you can see on our site we have a number of eagle nests LIVE that are waiting for eagles to arrive and lay their eggs. The Hancock Wildlife Foundation have two nests at the moment. One called Sidney and one called Delta. The Hornby Island Eagle cam which is sponsored by Doug and Sheila Carrick is also waiting for the Eagles to land. We have spoken to Danny who works closely with the Hornby Eagles and he has given us an approximate schedule for what should be happening over the next few months. More can be found at and

MATING – Think of St Valentine’s Day, February 14 (a suitable time for mating) – but include the two weeks before and after this date – in other words, the whole month of February. Eagles are also seen mating in the first half of March, just a week or two before laying eggs But at no other times in the year.

FINAL NEST PREPARATION – A second flurry of nest-preparation takes place from mid-February to mid-March – adding more branches, followed by soft materials like dry grass and moss.

EGG LAYING – March 25, plus or minus one week. A second egg 2 or 3 days later.

BROODING – The male and female take turns sitting on the eggs for approximately 35 days – from March 25 to May 1, plus or minus one week. One could consider the month of April as the “brooding” month.

CHICKS HATCH – May 1, plus or minus one week.

CHICK DEVELOPMENT – Peeps can be heard by June 10 – Sitting on edge of nest by June 20 – Flapping wings by June 25 – Flapping and Jumping by July 10

FIRST FLIGHT – July 25, plus or minus one week. (85 days after hatching)