If all goes well we will be adding a number of moveable cameras over the next couple of months. Possible there will be a second cam at Djuma and it looks like we will add one or two waterhole cams in other exciting locations as well.

We had hoped these last would be running already, but red tape has proven quite sticky and has slowed the launch of these down.

As we do expect them fairly soon, and also in view of the holiday season that will soon be upon us, we’d like to bolster the zoomie numbers a bit so we can get the new ones trained before the rush starts.

If you are interested in helping out, have moderate computer skills and 10 hours/week available for zooming, drop me a note at zoomies@crm-api-integ-220516.mystagingwebsite.com with some info on your location, skills, time available and why you’d like to be a zoomie.

Everyone is welcome but we would particularly like to find more zoomies outside of North America to be better able to fill slots around the clock.

A number of you have contacted me already and I have your names, but feel free to resend your information now so I can have it all in one spot.

