WE are all saddened to be saying goodbye to safari guide and presenter Scott Dyson. His history with WildEarth and safariLIVE has certainly been rich and rewarding. He started with WildEarth in November 2014 with only a handful of crew.

His adventures with safariLIVE have lead to numerous unbelievable sightings, earning him his ever enduring catchphrase “Can you believe it?!”. Scott has been an invaluable member for the safariLIVE crew and family. Always up for adventure, his go-get-em attitude will be sorely missed by both viewers and crew alike.

Scott is incapable of sitting still, as many of you have come to know. He is constantly on the move and always searching for new and exciting challenges. He will be taking some time off to catch up with family and friends and to plan his next big adventure. WE are sure that we will see Scott again soon for a visit. His last official drive will be Friday 28th September.

Scott, your time as a part of the WildEarth family shall be remembered for many many years to come. Your bright and carefree attitude in the wild has always been refreshing and invigorating. Your ability to bring your sightings to life through the screen means that you truly brought the heart and soul of the African wild to everyone who was lucky enough to encounter your live guided drives. Here’s to the good prospects of your future endeavors! You will be missed hugely. Asante sana Scotty D.