CEO and Founder Graham Wallington

One of our missions here at WildEarth is to remain connected and present with our viewers.

We have developed an especially remarkable bond with our Explorers, our most avid supporters and watchers. Whether you have been an Explorer for numerous years or just recently discovered the club, there is something special about sharing live moments in nature. It cannot but connect us to one another.  The entire team, from the crew in our locations to our production team in Johannesburg, know that our channel would not be what it is today without the viewers and more so, the Explorers supporting us. We work around the clock to make the magic happen and our Explorers are there every step of the way, reading, watching and engaging with all the content we love to create for you.

Recently we have been lucky enough to gain more viewers.

However, with more viewers comes far more comments and suggestions, which we simply cannot process. Your feedback matters to us. We want to read each query email or qualm with the programme sent in so that we can shape the show into the best version possible but this proves a tricky endeavour. As a result of the influx, we have decided that the best way to still receive viewer feedback and suggestions is to ask those who understand the channel best. The watchers who engage with our content the most and have been most involved to know where our weaknesses lie. For this reason, we are setting aside time for our Explorers to interact and hear directly from our CEO and founder, the man with the plan that keeps this ship steered straight, Graham Wallington. From now on we are hosting a monthly Town Hall with Graham to remain as connected to as many informed watchers as possible.



Graham at our last Town Hall




“WildEarth is a dream of mine that has come to reality. I know our channel would not be where it is today without you, our supporters watching us grow and develop every step of the way. Your insights are invaluable to us. Join our Town Hall and raise your comments to me so that we may improve WildEarth and make it an even better experience for you.” – Graham Wallington 





Join us on the 11th of September at 8:00 PM CAT for another Town Hall with Graham.

This Town Hall is open to our Explorers Club. We want to hear about your experience with us thus far, gather your feedback on what we produce and ascertain what is and isn’t working. What’s more, Graham is dedicating a portion of the Town Hall to announce upcoming ventures and his vision and provide valuable insights into the inner workings of our programme. Come along to hear these updates and catch up on what is yet to come.  And remember, if you aren’t an Explorer, you can sign up to be able to tune in, ask Graham your questions, send in your comments and have him respond to you live during the Town Hall. 

See you there!